CChelyabinsk authorities: no comments for media

News in English
The Mediastandart foundation published the analysis of the media environment in the Southern Ural.

The analysts came to the following conclusions: locals trust the media, journalists don’t criticize the government, and officials are closed for the press.

The report on the analysis of the media environment in the Chelyabinsk region was posted on the map of the Russian regions media sphere development. It took the experts two years to study the situation. The level of media development in the Chelyabinsk region was rated as satisfactory.

The researchers found that journalists are not enough critical towards the authorities, however the local residents tend to trust the media.

The level of credibility to the local media is quite high in the Chelyabinsk region: 74% of respondents say that they trust or rather trust it, 34% of respondents frequently or very frequently encounter deception in the media, while 82% check the facts if they think that the information is incomplete or false," the experts say.

It is also noted that the average pay of a journalist in the Chelyabinsk region is equal to 0.88 of an average salary, but at the same time it’s 20% higher than an average wage of a journalist in other regions.

The total amount of subsidies for the media from the regional budget is 200 million rubles with a national average of 440 million.

Recall that the Foundation for Media Research and Journalism Standards Development ("Mediastandart") was registered on 30 December, 2014 by the Committee for Civil Initiatives of Alexei Kudrin. The Foundation aims to support quality journalism and media in Russia, develop professional standards and create conditions for independent media.

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